First Blizzard Of 2018 – SnowCam Video

I setup an online cam to record our first Snowstorm of the year. The storm became a blizzard and hit the Jersey Shore pretty hard. The camera ran through night taking and uploading photos every 30 seconds as our Mt. Tiki Soki stood guard. All was working well until about 10:00am or so when the snow buried not only Mt. Tiki Soki but the wind created a drift right in front of the camera, blocking the view! Next time I will have to tape the phone higher up on the window.

I had hoped to capture the storm from beginning to end but mother nature chose to cut things short. It continued to snow through most of the afternoon. Oh Well, what you see below is a time lapse video from the night of the storm into mid morning:


Below are some images of the contraption that took the images to create this video. Unfortunately the app I use to capture and upload the images, MobileWebCam, seems to have been abandoned and is no longer available in the Google Play store. It still works on this phone for now. As you can see my camera rig was very impressive. It took a long time to build and setup! It consisted of: An old phone, USB cable with charger and plenty of blue painter’s tape.

I don’t know what the official snow totals for our area are but we did get buried. With the wind blowing the snow around it’s hard to judge but I would say there is at least a foot, and probably more, of snow on the ground. I hope everyone stays warm and well this 1st French Toast day of 2018. You did go out and get bread, milk & eggs before the storm, right? Nothing left to do now except make French Toast!

Snowstorm in NJ? Must… Buy… Bread!


SnowCam Time Lapse

What do you do when you have webcams setup to take pictures of a storm and they each save over 2000 images? Why make a time lapse video of course! Here are 2 videos from the SnowCams I had running during yesterday’s March nor’easter. Unfortunately both camera stopped multiple times during the storm so there are jumps here and there but this was a hacked together setup using old phones, a webcam app, some duct tape and a really old version of Google Picasa to create the time lapse. For the most part the videos turned out well all things considered. There is no sound because who has time for that?

Dueling SnowCams!

As we settle in and get ready for the rain/sleet/snow/blizzard/storm that is creeping up the east coast towards New Jersey I decided to make use of some old smartphones by converting them into makeshift webcams. New pictures are uploaded every 30 seconds and you will need to manually refresh (Hit F5) the page for new images. - SNOWCAM 1 - Backyard

The camera is no longer online. - SNOWCAM 2 - Frontyard

The camera is no longer online.

Nerdy Stuff: This is being done with a pair of old Samsung Galaxy S3 phones. One is running stock Kit Kat, the other is rooted and running CyanogenMod with Lollipop. I am using an app on both called MobileWebCam. This app allows me to have the cameras take a picture and upload it for display here, all automatically. The phones are inside the house mounted to the windows with duct tape, of course! This is why you should hang on to your old technology & gadgets, you never know when they may come in handy.

Note: The brave volunteer in Snowcam 1 is a Mt. Tiki Soki water sprinkler. He no longer shoots water out of the top of his head and has seen better days. I filled him with cement and he makes a good base for a Tiki Torch in the summer. Check out this Mt. Tiki Soki commercial to see what he once did, many years ago.

If you are an Asbury Park schools student or teacher enjoy the snow day on Tuesday!

Code.Org Workshop

2015-12-05 - Code Studio Workshop 01

Getting ready to Code

Since returning to teaching students last year, I have been interested in using Hour Of Code activities with my 3-4-5 students. This would be a great exposure to programming and computer science for many of them. To help facilitate this I recently attended a Workshop at the Monmouth County Library in Shrewsbury, NJ given by a presenter from

I have been teaching for over 15 years and have been involved with EdTech for half of that time and this was probably the best workshop I have ever been to! I don’t say this lightly as I have had close to 500 hours of professional development the past 5 years. I have seen plenty, some great, some not so much.

The main reasons for this being such a wonderful and informative training are:

  • The focus of the workshop was computer science for elementary K-5 and most, if not all, of the attendees were from K-5 schools.
  • The presenter, Joann Presbrey, fully understood the material she was presenting and showed us how to skillfully implement the curriculum in an elementary setting.
  • Free stuff!

As an educator I have gone to workshops that have been geared towards grades K-5. Many times the presenters are not elementary level teachers and they try to lower the academic level of the presentation to fit what they feel would fit an elementary school level. More often than not this approach doesn’t work. If you are an elementary educator you know there is more to it than than simply lowering the academics.

2015-12-05 - Code Studio Workshop 03

A sample “Unplugged” lesson from the handobook

Before I go on, let me point out that the workshop, Instructor Handbook and curriculum are all free. If you want to implement this in your class, school or district it doesn’t cost anything. You do of course need computers.

This workshop was different, the curriculum that has created is truly a K-5 curriculum. They do provide middle and high school materials but this workshop was for elementary. The curriculum is divided into 3 courses with course 1 being for the youngest students as it is geared towards early readers and is mostly visual. Course 2 is good for students who are readers but have no coding experience and course 3 builds on course 2 with and has students creating interactive stories and games.

The curriculum uses’s Code Studio website for the majority of the lessons. This is where the students develop, build, test, debug and complete their code to create programs, stories and games. In addition there are many “unlpugged” lessons that use pencil & paper, physical activity and other non-computer means to introduce new topics and learn concepts.

2015-12-05 - Code Studio Workshop 04

Translating game rules into code

The workshop spent about half of the time reviewing the curriculum and guide. It truly provides a full K-5 experience for students. The guide and lessons are laid out in a way to be accessible to teacher and easily taught even if you have a minimal understanding of coding, computers and technology in general.

The other half of the workshop had us split into groups to review, develop and teach on of the lessons form the curriculum guide. This is often an intimidating task in a workshop. You find yourself randomly grouped with strangers preparing to present a lesson on previously unknown material. The lessons are very easy to deliver and, as we found out, quite fun.

I would suggest you attend one of these workshops, they seem to be given once a month at the Shrewsbury Library, if you are a technology teacher/coach/coordinator or a regular classroom teacher interested in technology. You do not need to know much about coding or computers beforehand. And it’s a free workshop!