TypingClub.com Pre-Test

Lesson Objectives:

  • Take a typing pre-test
  • Begin to learn how to touch type correctly

Word Wall:
[glossary]Accuracy[/glossary], [glossary]Home Row[/glossary], [glossary]Words Per Minute[/glossary]

Student Directions:

  1. Go to the TypingClub website
  2. Select Lesson 36
  3. When the Jumping Ahead message comes up, click Continue
  4. Complete the typing test.
  5. Record your accuracy and WPM speed on the sheet of paper
  6. Type in your accuracy and WPM in the TMES – 5th Grade – Typing Pre-Test Google form
  7. Return to the TypingClub website, start with Lesson 1 and work your way to Lesson 2, Lesson, 3, etc.

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